al-Hiba: Sling Makers
Date: 1960s
The warps for slings, known as minchal, are made by wrapping a cord around a finger on the maker’s left hand and a toe five times. A looser end left by the finger is wrapped around the cords below the finger to create an “eye,” attached to the maker’s waist so they can control the tension. A reed stick is then threaded through the warp cords to keep them separated. The stick moves down towards the toe as the weft progresses until it is finished. An “eye” is created around the toe, as it was with the finger end, and both ends are tied with a four-ply cord. See also: Weaver; Maker of Rope; Plier; Dyer; Spinner.
Citation: Ochsenschlager, Edward. Iraq’s Marsh Arabs in the Garden of Eden (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2004), pp. 224-25.